Advocate for Access to Healthcare
Our Office plays an important role in ensuring that quality health care is accessible and affordable for all Rhode Islanders -- from serving as a regulatory authority in major hospital transactions to advocating on behalf of Rhode
Island residents.
Visit our Healthcare section to learn more.

Attorney General imposes unprecedented conditions on hospital ownership change to ensure future operations
The Office of the Attorney General has issued a decision, pursuant to its authority under Rhode Island's Hospital Conversions Act, to conditionally approve a transaction that would allow a change in ownership of two local safety net hospitals in North Providence and Providence.

Attorney General Neronha objects to proposed increases to 2024 statewide healthcare insurance rates
Attorney General Neronha filed objections with the Office of Health Insurance Commissioner (OHIC) in response to requests to increase health insurance rates in 2024 filed by multiple health insurers. Altogether, these requests would impact more than 166,000 Rhode Islanders enrolled in individual, and large and small employer group insurance plans.