Protect Rhode Island Consumers
Protecting consumers is a top priority for our office. We help consumers resolve complaints against businesses, whether it’s a refund for a cancelled trip or services paid for but never delivered. From a $20 overcharge on your bill to complaint amounts in the thousands of dollars, we can help with issues that impact the lives of Rhode Islanders.
Visit our Consumer Protection section to find out more.

AG Neronha Issues Guidance to Protect American Rescue Plan Act payments for Rhode Islanders
Attorney General Peter F. Neronha issued guidance to creditors, debt collectors and financial institutions reminding them that stimulus payments resulting from the federal government's American Rescue Plan Act are exempt from seizure or garnishment by debt collectors.

Attorney General Neronha announces $4.6 Million Settlement with Student Loan Servicer Navient
Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced that Navient, one of the nation’s largest student loan servicers, will provide relief totaling $4.6 million to Rhode Island borrowers to resolve allegations of widespread unfair and deceptive student loan servicing practices and abuses in originating predatory student loans. Under terms of the national settlement, Navient will pay a total of $1.85 billion to student loan borrowers nationwide.