Lead the Way in Environmental Enforcement
After its people, Rhode Island’s greatest resource is its environment.
Protecting the environment and environmental justice are important priorities of the Office.
From protecting public access to our state’s coastal and waterfront resources to making sure major energy facilities are properly regulated to protect the public, we have ramped up our environmental enforcement efforts.
Visit the Environment & Energy section to find out more.

State Requires Johnston Metal Shredding Company to Reduce Air Pollution and Pay Largest Penalty Ever Assessed for Clean Air Act Violations
"For too long, SMMNEC has not met its obligation to the people of Rhode Island to protect public health and the environment and keep harmful pollutants out of the air we breathe. SMMNEC's operations in Johnston put Rhode Islanders at risk with uncontrolled emissions of dangerous, airborne substances," said Attorney General Neronha.

Attorney General petitions to intervene in proposed LPG facility expansion in Port of Providence
"The proposal to expand a liquified propane gas facility to include shipments by railway and additional storage tanks warrants a full review by the EFSB, which would ensure an adequate evaluation of things like the impact to air quality, public safety, and welfare of the community. And – equally important – a full review would provide impacted communities an opportunity to be heard."