Recent Initiatives
Auto Dealer Accountability

Attorney General Neronha has launched an initiative to end the practice of motor vehicle dealerships charging customers illegal fees and for unwanted products or services and better protect Rhode Island consumers. Click here to learn about our July 2023 agreement to resolve three enforcement actions or click the photo above for our Initiative Page and Buyer's Guide.
Solar Panel Initiative
Attorney General Neronha recently launched an initiative to educate and protect consumers who are purchasing residential solar panels for their home. Residential solar can be a great option to contribute to the clean energy transition. But buyer beware: we urge caution when responding to door-to-door solar salespeople, and encourage consumers to do their homework. Start here with our FAQ site.
Spotlight: Cybersecurity & Identity Theft

In response to the news of a major cyberattack on the Rhode Island State government, Attorney General Peter F. Neronha wants Rhode Islanders to have the information they need to protect themselves following a data breach. For more information, click here.